Apnée du sommeil : l’arrêt de la respiration abîme le cerveau
L’apnée du sommeil concerne plus de 4% de la population française dont plus de 15% présentent des problèmes de poids. Pourtant tous ceux qui souffrent
Beyond snoring: Sleep apnea has dangerous consequences
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a major health problem with potentially dangerous consequences. For instance, truck drivers with this sleep disorder who did not get
Undiagnosed sleep apnea caused 2 NYC train crashes. Could you have sleep apnea, too?
Undiagnosed sleep apnea was recently cited as a probable cause in the crash of two New York City commuter trains. The engineers, who were diagnosed
Pourquoi est-il si important de soigner l’apnée du sommeil ?
Non traité, le syndrome de l’apnée du sommeil peut provoquer des conséquences graves sur les fonctions exécutives du cerveau. Le syndrome d’apnée du sommeil, désigné
Sleep Apnea May Boost Pregnancy Complications
Mothers-to-be with sleep apnea may have a higher risk of pregnancy complications, longer hospital stays and admission to the ICU than those without the sleep
Sleep apnea linked to hypertension and heart disease
While the U.S. continues its battle with the bulge, side effects of the obesity epidemic are also on the rise — some of which can